The “Southern Trilogy – The Historic Homes of Roswell” are where most folks start their experience. Each year, the homes choose new themes so it’s fun to go each year and see the magical transformation of the homes. Normal tour prices apply to day time tours.
Barrington Hall’s theme is “I Collect Christmas” featuring fascinating and whimsical Christmas collectibles. Whether an extensive collection of 19th century antique ornaments, or vintage nutcrackers, there is something to thrill the collector in each of us. The home is decorated in traditional Southern style! Tours on the hour from 10 A.M. – 3 P.M. Mon. – Sat. and from 1 – 3 P.M. on Sundays (closed Christmas Day and New Year’s Day).
It’s “The 12 Days of Christmas” at Historic Bulloch Hall. Beginning with a perfect partridge nestled in a Pear tree, visitors will go from room-to-room (you may sing if you wish) experiencing the many delightful interpretations of those melodious 12 days. Self-guided tours of the home decorated for the holidays in this favorite (and fun) theme. Mon. - Sat. 10 A.M. - 4 P.M.; Sun. 1 P.M. - 4 P.M. (closed Christmas Day and New Year’s Day).
Come visit the “Winter Wonderland on the Plantation” at Smith Plantation Home. Heritage flora and fauna native to Smith Plantation is this year’s theme, featuring antebellum plants, birds and wildlife as the Roswell Garden Club takes Smith Plantation to new heights with seasonal décor. Tours on the hour from 10 A.M. – 3 P.M. Mon. – Sat. and from 1 – 3 P.M. on Sundays (closed Christmas Day and New Year’s Day).
Special Events at the Historic Homes of Roswell:
Note: Most of these events require reservations and do sell out. Please call the phone number listed with the event to make reservations.
December 3, 8, 10, 14, 16
Christmas High Tea at Bulloch Hall. A wonderful way to spend an afternoon is enjoying “High Tea” served in Bulloch Hall by ladies in period clothing. Reservations required; 770-992-1731.
December 12
Christmas For Kids at Bulloch Hall from 10 A.M. – Noon. Yule Log hunt, Candy Cane hunt, storytelling, Christmas crafts, a tour of the house decorated for Christmas, light snack and lots of fun. Reservations required; $10 per person; 770-992-1731.
Saturday, December 12, 5pm-9pm Visit all three of Roswell's historic sites in beautiful candlelight and enjoy festive holiday decorations and entertainment. One private home in Historic Roswell will also be open to the public on this day only! Smith Plantation will feature "Winter Wonderland on the Plantation" featuring decorations by the Roswell Garden Club highlighting historic flora and fauna. Barrington Hall's theme "I Collect Christmas" will display decorations from personal Christmas collections, and Bulloch Hall will be celebrating "The Twelve Days of Christmas." Admission is $20 in advance $25 at the door for adults, and $10 in advance and $15 at the door for children 6 years and younger.
December 17
Reenactment of Mittie Bulloch’s Christmastime 1853 Wedding to Theodore Roosevelt (Sr.) Step back in time to the chilly December 1853 evening in the sleepy little village of Roswell, GA and be a guest at a wedding that will wake up the 20th Century. This marriage resulted in our 26th President, Theodore Roosevelt and our 34th First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt. Enjoy a charming evening with the Bullochs and the Roosevelts and the Roswell townspeople. First tour begins at 6:30 P.M. and then every ½ hour until 8:30 P.M. Reservations are required. 770-992-1731.
December 19
Gingerbread Christmas at Smith Plantation Home. Four 30 minute workshops include preparing and decorating Christmas themed cookies. Participants assist with baking cookies over the open hearth of the plantation outdoor cookhouse. Ages 5 and up; each workshop limited to 10 children. Advance reservations required; $10 per child; 770-641-3978.
But wait, there’s more. Check out http://www.visitroswellga.com/include-new/2009ChristmasInRoswellBrochure.pdf for information on all of the events.
Merry Christmas!