Calling all husbands, fathers, and children, this is your final warning that Mother’s Day is this weekend! Unless you’re of an age where the Tooth Fairy regularly visits, you probably have outgrown simply giving Mom a great big kiss to go with the card you made in school. Husbands – as much as your wife might let you think that a new washing machine or vacuum cleaner is just what she wanted, take it from me, your stock will rise measurably if you’re a little more creative.
If picking out gifts for Mom isn’t your thing, don’t worry - Roswell has you covered!
The 21st Annual Colors Festival of Arts is Saturday and Sunday, May 7th and 8th. Admission to the show is free. The festival is held on the Historic Town Square, which is located at the intersection of Highways 9 & 120, 10 am. - 6 pm. Historic Town Square will be filled with fine arts, original crafts, children’s activities, fun food, and entertainment. Shopping, food, and entertainment all in one place – we’ve got you covered!
For more information, check out
www.visitroswellga.com/festival-arts.html Treat Mom to a day off from cooking! We have many unique and fun restaurants in Roswell. Mother’s Day lunch can be a very busy time so reservations are recommended. For restaurant ideas, check out
www.finditallroswell.com/restaurants.html While you’re at it, check out the Coupons and Special Offers to see if your favorite restaurant is offering any specials.
Let Mom Shop Until She Drops – This is easy for you and fun for her! Take your wife or mom to visit the unique shops in one of our unique shopping areas including Canton Street, SoCA (that’s “South of Canton” street for the uninformed), and Sweet Apple Village to name a few. Better yet, partner with some fellow husbands or your siblings and make it a “Girls Day Out” for all of the wives/moms. With so many interesting shops and fun eating opportunities, I’ve known ladies to have a great time looking, eating, and shopping for hours. Check out the shops at
www.finditallroswell.com/shopping.html There are also specials offers and coupons for some of the shops so check them out, too, before heading out.
Treat Mom to a Make-Over or Spa Day – Hmm, wonder if my husband is reading this blog because this is so me! A little pampering can go a long way to making Mom feel special. We have a lot of great spas and salons that are ready to work their magic on Mom. Check out
www.finditallroswell.com/beauty2.html and
www.finditallroswell.com/massage-spa-services.html for some great ideas.
Treat Mom to a mini-Getaway – Book a babysitter and whisk Mom away to one of our hotels for a weekend where the two of you can unwind and get re-acquainted. We have lodging options to fit all budgets. Check out
www.finditallroswell.com/lodging.html and book your favorite. During the day, there are many, many attractions for you that Mom would just love. Go to www.visitroswellga.com and click on the What To Do link for ideas from nature to cultural arts to keep you busy.
Your wife will love you when you Find It All in Roswell!