If picking out gifts for Mom isn’t your thing, don’t worry - Roswell has you covered!
The 22nd Annual Colors Festival of Arts is Saturday and Sunday, May 12th and 13th. Admission to the show is free. The festival is held on the Historic Town Square, located at the intersection of Highways 9 & 120, from 10 am. - 6 pm, both days. For those of you who need more detailed directions, the official address of the Square is 610 Atlanta Street, Roswell.
The Historic Town Square will be filled with fine arts, original crafts, children’s activities, fun food, and entertainment. Shopping, food, and entertainment all in one place – we’ve got you covered!
Entertainment ranges from local dance groups to young musicians to storytelling to folk/rock/bluegrass/county musicians to everyone’s favorite Adam Komesar and his balloon creations. You can find the full entertainment schedule at www.visitroswellga.com/include-new/events/2012ColorsFestivalArtsEntertainment.pdf
Don’t forget to visit the children’s area of the festival for art work opportunities for your children to make to take home. There are even vendors who create clothing and accessories just for children. What mom doesn’t want her child to look perfect?
Want a sneak peek at the artists that will be at the festival? There’s a full list on our webpage: www.visitroswellga.com/include-new/events/2012ArtistsCraftsmenColorsFestival.pdf
While you’re out, make sure that you treat Mom to a day off from cooking! If festival food isn’t your thing, we have many unique and fun restaurants in Roswell. Mother’s Day lunch can be a very busy time so reservations are recommended. For restaurant ideas, check out www.visitroswellga.com/restaurants.html
Looking forward to seeing you on the Square in Roswell this Mother’s Day weekend for the Colors Festival of Arts.